
Project development: Door Handle Streilizer

Welcome back everyone! This will be my last blog and it is focused on the project me and my group mates have been working on for the past semester! In this blog, I will be documenting the entire design process of my group's prototyping of an automatic door handle steriliser. My group consists of Devin, Yuhan, Ji Hinn, and myself. We have been working on this project since Week 5, and we are proud to announce that it is now complete! The purpose/significance of our product Door handles are a significant culprit in the spreading of viruses and bacteria. This is because everyone must touch them to open the door, and they rarely get cleaned since they do not look dirty to the naked eye. Also, most door handles are made of stainless steel, which is a perfect material for bacteria to cultivate on. Some examples of viruses that can spread are the coronavirus (COVID-19), norovirus, hand foot and mouth disease, and influenza. To emphasise, ever since COVID-19 started, the need for ste...

Hypothesis testing

Welcome back to my 2nd last blog post for this module! The past week was so hectic and stressful with so many deadlines to meet and falling sick for about a week due to the rainy weather. My group members from our Design of Experiment practical session were tasked to take on different roles of the Avengers, to allocate the runs that we will do hypothesis testing on, as shown below:   Yuhan : Iron Man (Run #1 & #3) Joel: Thor (Run #2 & #4) Myself : Captain America (Run #2 & #6) Jian Ye : Black Widow (Run #4 & #8) Jian Lun : Hulk (Run #3 & #8)   Hypothesis Testing   Hypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by experimenters or researchers to accept or reject statistical hypotheses. The runs are allocated so that each of us will do hypothesis testing on either the projectile weight or stop angle factor. The QUESTION To determine the effect of stop angle on the flying distance of the projectile ...

DOE Case Study

 Hello everyone!  Welcome back to my 4 th blog entry! In this blog entry, I will be discussing about the topic of Design of Experiment (DOE) and what I have learnt about it. This blog entry contains a full factorial and fractional factorial analysis for a given case study on ESP Brightspace, followed by a learning reflection of my tutorial and practical sessions. FULL FACTORIAL Data Analysis   Effect of each factor & their rankings   Factor A: Diameter of bowls to contain the corn, 10 cm and 15 cm   Factor B:    Microwaving time, 4 minutes and 6 minutes   Factor C:    Power setting of microwave, 75% and 100%   The most impactful factor which affected the number of inedible “bullets” (un-popped kernels) is factor C, followed by factor B and lastly, factor A.   This result is obtained from each factor’s gradient on a linear graph. The gradient of a factor will determine the significance of the fac...

Arduino Programming

 Hello everybody! Welcome back to my final blog entry for this module which will be Arduino programming!  I have studied Arduino programming for the past 4 weeks and this blog will show my progress. For part 1 of this blog will be focused on input devices. I have learnt to use 2 input devices which are a potentiometer analog input and a light dependent resistor (LDR). For part 2 of this blog will be focused on 2 output devices which are light-emitting diodes (LED) and a push button. Input devices This is the code used to make the potentiometer analog input setup work: Code Explanation int sensorvalue = 0;   void setup() {   pinMode(A0, INPUT);   pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);   Serial.begin(9600); }   void loop() {   sensorvalue = analogRead(A0);   digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   Serial.print(",");   Serial.println(sensorvalue);   delay(senso...